The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization founded in 1882 by the Venerable Michael J. McGiveny in New Haven, Connecticut. Currently, the Knights have over 1.8 million members across the United States as well as its territories, military bases and other countries around the world.
On February 22, 1900, the Fourth Degree of the The Knights of Columbus was officially started. Because some people in the United States feared that members of the Catholic faith owed their entire allegiance to the Church and could not be trusted as citizens of their country, Patriotism was added to the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. This underscored and affirmed the order's commitment to God and country.
The Fourth Degree is divided into provinces led by a vice supreme master. Each province is divided into districts lead by a district master. The Hennepin Province is made up of Michigan, with four districts, and Ohio, with three districts. Michigan 1 serves the Archdioces of Detroit, and is led by District Master Eugene Suchyta.
Following the World Wars, the Knights of Columbus documented war service by its members. The results of these efforts are recorded in the archives at the Blessed Michael J. McGivney Pilgrimage Center. Similar efforts were not conducted following either the Korean or Vietnam Wars. Both the Korean and Vietnam Wars marked a significant departure in how troops served and returned from war, as service was no longer for the duration. Gone were the hero’s welcome on return. Vietnam veterans in particular returned to a hostile and divided nation, where they were either overlooked or criticized for their service.
The Supreme Council gave direction to the Supreme Master to conduct a census of those that served in the Korean and Vietnam wars such that these efforts can also be recorded in the archives. Note that the Korean War commenced in 1950, making the approximate minimum age of surviving veterans ninety-one. Similarly, the approximate minimum age of surviving Vietnam veterans serving from 1965-1973 is 68-76. It is imperative to gather this information at this point before it is lost forever.
Assemblies are directed to work in conjunction with their assigned councils to conduct a census of their membership using the provided forms. Where possible, documented service of deceased members will be recorded.
Inclusion in the census shall be limited to veterans meeting the requirements established by Congress for the Korean and Vietnam Service Medals, to wit 25 June 1950-27 July 1953 for Korea and 3 July 1965-28 March 1973 for Vietnam.
The program will culminate with a Mass at the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on Saturday, April 26, 2025, in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War (April 30, 2025). Following Mass, the Supreme Officers and Board of Directors with an escort of a 4th Degree Honor Guard will lay wreaths at the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials. Certificates recognizing service will be delivered to surviving veterans via their councils.
In April and May, assemblies, working with their councils, should have an event recognizing the veterans for their service and distribute the certificates that will be provided.
Worthy All,
As I write this, we are in the throes of Lent. I am sure many of us have "given up" something, along with the traditional fasting and abstaining on Friday (and going to Fish Fry!). Even so, we are also called to "do more," something that may perhaps seem a little out of place to some. That "doing more" can be giving a little more to the poor, feeding the hungry, and maybe even saying an extra prayer for those that really need them. Maybe that “reason for the season” isn’t just about Advent and Christmas!
Korean/Vietnam Veteran Census
I’m putting this at the top of the list as the census of Korean and Vietnam War veterans is due to me the first week of April. Assemblies should have been working on this with their councils for about a year, and it needs to be completed ASAP. To date, I have received 7 forms from assemblies 0478, 1963, 2136, 2149, 2696, 2804, 3057, which is greatly appreciated. If you have been using the online method of entering the veteran information, PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL and let me know. (I did not promote this, so I expect there won’t be many that have done this.) Finally, PLEASE don’t make me track you down the first week of April.
If you need them, all the forms, as well as who qualifies, is available on the home page of the district web site (
Exemplification Recap
On March 15, 2025, we exemplified 36 new Sir Knights from 10 different assemblies. Host Pope John XXIII Assembly 1536 had the lion’s share with 16 new Sir Knights! While the total exemplified for this exemplification was a little lower than we usually have, I know some assemblies are pushing candidates toward the August 23rd exemplification being planned (more on that below). I want to welcome all the new Sir Knights and I am hopeful they will become active members in the assemblies.
125th Anniversary Exemplification
The 125th Anniversary Exemplification of Patriotism the district master have been asked to have is being planned for August 23rd, 2025, at St. Christopher Catholic Church in Marysville, MI. With the plans starting to take shape, it looks like the start time for the ceremony will be either 1:00pm or 1:30pm, depending on the final length of the ceremony. Note that Supreme is still making some tweaks, though I plan to be in Indianapolis on March 22 to again check the length. We will likely open registration about 90 minutes before the start of the ceremony. Also, we think we have worked out enough logistics to confirm that we will be able to participate in 4:30pm Mass at St. Christopher following the event.
The banquet will take place around the corner and about 1/2 mile down the road at Knight Club, also in Marysville. Dinner will likely start about 6:45pm or so, and I expect everything will be done by 9:00pm, probably sooner, depending on how many dignitaries and guests we have.
Note that all these times are tentative, though they are pretty close.
For this exemplification, because it is the 125th Anniversary Exemplification, we will be doing an ad book in addition to the basket raffle and 50/50 raffle. FN Henry Testa and SDRR Ray Bilyk have agreed to lead this up. You will be more from them in the coming weeks.
Additionally, I am discussing with the marshals the possibility of doing a 4th degree membership drive in each of their areas. I have had a chance to discuss this with only a couple of the marshals, and we have not made much progress on it as of yet, but I am hopeful we can do this to help support your recruiting efforts.
Finally, we are still working up the costs for this event. All the details will be emailed to FN’s and comptrollers, and posted on the district web site, once they are available.
April means nominations for the elected positions in your assemblies. That also means May elections (and Mother’s Day) are just around the corner. Be sure to encourage some of the new members that have been exemplified in the last two years to think about getting involved! A sentinel is an easy way to start, and puts them on the road to a higher position, if they choose.
Upcoming Form Due Dates
April 30: To Be a Patriot
June 30: Civic Award, RSVP Refund
July 1: Report of Officers Chosen
Holy Thursday and Corpus Christi
We get some color corps requests for Holy Thursday, and many for Corpus Christi. If your church plans to ask for color corps on either of those days, please get your request in ASAP. Further, don’t hold back on those “local only, we are just going to use our assembly color corps” requests. We need to see those, as well. Otherwise, someone is going to be disappointed that requested Sir Knights were not available or didn’t show up. We are all in the together, and the marshals will do the best they can to try and satisfy as many requests as they can.
State Convention
The state convention will be Wednesday, May 21, 2025 through Friday, May 23, 2025. Bishops will start arriving on Tuesday, May 20 (the day Lady Kathy and I will be on the island). The host master this year will be Dale Korson, master, Michigan 4. I am hearing the Grand Hotel is trying to reign in what we can and can’t do by way of hospitality, so there may be some changes from last year. Even so, you can expect the ask of the color corps to be same as it has been - greeting dignitaries on the steps of the Grand Hotel, 3 Masses, Eucharistic Procession, Eucharistic Adoration, presenting and retiring the colors, escorting dignitaries to dinner and, of course, the Living Rosary on the lawn of the Grand Hotel. All the other 4th degree masters join me in thanking you for bringing your uniform and participating in as many event as you can.
Council Visits
I have mentioned in the past that I am willing to visit councils with you. I need a few weeks notice so I can make sure my schedule is clear. If you would like me to join you, please send me an email, text or call.
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all that you do. Both Lady Kathy and I are grateful to be associated with the Sir Knights of the Archdiocese of Detroit in Michigan 1!
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Click here for the February 2025 Catholic Patriot, the newsletter sent by Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share the link and the contents with your assembly members.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
The Midwest rollout of the new Exemplification of Patriotism will be March 22, 2025, at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Indianapolis, Indiana. I have a number of Sir Knights from Michigan were interested in attending, The attached PDF file has the information for the event.
Please note that the only information I would need to know is if someone wanted to be exemplified at the event. Otherwise, those that plan to attend the event, the dinner, etc., should use the links in the provided document to register.
As a side note, Lady Kathy and I are considering attending, though our plans are not yet firm as we have to make some changes to our schedule for the weekend. If we do attend, I know we will not be able to stay for the dinner.
From the Canton area (my home), it is about a 4 hour, 15 minute drive to Indianapolis.
Please feel free to pass this on to your Sir Knights in your assembly.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Pretty good chance you will get hit with another phishing expedition. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. Check the actual email address, and you will quickly see it’s not one of mine. The contents are below.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Hello Fred,
Are you available? I am out of the State now and I wondered if you could help take care of this. I would have called your phone but I presently do not have access to my mobile phone. Knights of Columbus Michigan District 1 needs to purchase a gift card for charity and donation to community welfare with veterans and patients at hospice care units across the community, can you please go to the nearest store and purchase the gift card or Purchase it online? I have decided to make it a personal duty and I will be responsible for the reimbursement, I look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you
Eugene "Gene" Suchyta
Worthy All,
I received from the VSM updated Laws and Rules of the Fourth Degree as well as a new Drill Manual. Note that I have had just a few minutes to glance through them and have not read them in detail. Even so, please feel free to pass on to your membership.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Worthy All,
I pray all had a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. As I write this, we are into about 8 weeks of ordinary time, which means Lent is not all that far away.
Update from State Deputy Barry Borsenik regarding Mandy
In mid-January I forwarded to all FN’s and comptrollers an email update from State Deputy Barry Borsenil regarding Mandy. In summary, she is making progress, though this will be a long recovery process. He asks that you keep her and the rest of the family in your prayers as she continues her journey. (See the other email I sent for more details.)
Important Upcoming Dates
Spring District Meeting
The 2025 Spring District meeting will be Saturday, March 1, 2025, at Knights of Columbus, 3501 Rattle Run Rd, St. Clair MI 48079 (click here for map). Doors will open at about 8:30am, with the meeting starting at 9:30am. Assembly 0480 Richmond will be our host assembly. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and I am very hopeful that I will be able to share more details on the new Fourth Degree Exemplification ceremony. Note that the meeting minutes from the Fall Harvest Packing Party and District Meeting are attached and are also available on the district website.
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE KNOW HOW MANY ARE COMING FOR LUNCH. Once again I’m going to ask that you CLICK HERE to send an email to with your assembly number and how many people will be coming for the meeting and how many people will be staying for lunch. It would also be helpful to include the names of the people (since sometimes a person gets listed twice). Please DO NOT include the marshals, district comptroller or the district secretary, as I will contact them separately. The cost will be $5 per person, which can be paid at the door. You must let me know by Monday, February 24, 2025. NOTE: This is a different email address than I usually use. I am doing it this way to try and keep the emails separate so I can better keep track of how many are coming.
Michael Page, FN of Richmond Assembly 480, said the lunch will consist of chili dogs, chips, pickles, Pepsi products on tap, bottled water, cookies and coffee, but no decaf.
Korean and Vietnam Veteran Census
I am receiving census spreadsheets, which is great. Please keep working on them. The Supreme Master wants me to emphasize that this is for the entire Knights of Columbus (1st through 4th degree knights), not just the 4th degree. That means assemblies need to work with the councils that are assigned to them. If we do not talk to them, some veterans may not be included. I know you are doing your best, and I can only ask you to continue your efforts. I am hopeful they will be appreciated at the conclusion of this in 2025.
Census forms are due in early April, 2025. It is my understanding that certificates will be sent by Supreme to those that are included in the survey. Further, we’ve been asked to have celebrations for these veterans in the April/May 2025 time frame that would include Color Corps presence. I’ll pass on more as I hear it.
SK Bob Bielenda, FN, Holy Cross Assembly 1622, and I have been talking about a district-wide recognition event that will likely be in late June, 2025. Bob and I hope to be able to say more about this at the Spring District Meeting.
New York City 125th Anniversary Fourth Degree Exemplification
By now all should know about Supreme’s 125th Anniversary Fourth Degree Exemplification at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City on Saturday, February 22, 2025. This exemplification is still open to anyone that might be interesting in joining the Fourth Degree, as well as the banquet that is to follow. Cost of the exemplification is $60 per candidate; cost of the banquet is $125 per person. Note that there is limited space for both, and I have heard that about 1000 people have signed up to attend the banquet. Also note that all guests, including candidates, are responsible for travel and lodging costs. If you are interested, please click here to start the registration process.
There are at least 6 Sir Knights from the district, and 2 candidates of which I am aware so far, that plan to attend this event. If you know of someone that would like to be exemplified at this event, I have to send the form 4 to Supreme by January 31, 2025.
District 1 Spring Exemplification
Our 2025 Spring Exemplification will be Saturday, March 15, 2025 at St. John Neumann in Canton, MI (click here for map). Registration will start at 9:00am with the exemplification ceremony starting at 10:30am.
Note that the while the new ceremonial will be available for this event, we will be using the current ceremonial that we have been using. Also, masters have been informed that starting on February 22, 2025, guests WILL BE allowed in the ceremonial room, regardless of the ceremony being used. This means that if your spouses have ever been curious about what we tell candidates, this is very likely the only time they will be able to sit through and learn what we have learned. This is the last time we plan to use the current ceremonial; all future Exemplifications of Patriotism will be using the new ceremonial.
There WILL NOT be a Ladies program for this event.
Also note that we will have a Basket Raffle for this event, and Lady Kathy and I are always grateful for the baskets that are donated. I ask that your assembly consider donating a basket, as it greatly helps with the exemplification expenses.
All the forms are online at the website and can be found by clicking here.
District 1 Fourth Degree 125th Anniversary Exemplification
A reminder that the Michigan 1 125th Anniversary Exemplification on Patriotism will be Saturday, August 23rd, 2025. The banquet will be at Knight Club, 1195 Gratiot Blvd, Marysville, MI 48040 (click here for map).
While details are still be worked out, the team that volunteered to help with this and I are making progress on the plans. I am hopeful to have more information a the 2025 Spring District Meeting.
When I received the Star Assembly plaques for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year, I felt a couple were missing and I asked Supreme about them. Their response was that their 1315 Annual Assembly Audit form was turned in very late. I had the dates (I keep track) and I couldn’t argue that they were, indeed, turned in very late. I mention this as Supreme appears to be holding much closer to the published due dates for the various forms. To be sure, assemblies have but a fraction of the forms that a council does. Even so, I usually have to remind everyone they are due. Note that all the due dates are on the district calendar (click here). The due dates can also be found on each of the forms.
Form 1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity is due on January 31, 2025. I know how difficult it is to get input from your members to complete this form, though I ask you to do your best and try not to be late.
Form 1315 Annual Assembly Audit forms are very late. I will be contacting assemblies that are in this situation, though you should know who you are. Supreme has already contacted me once about late forms, so please complete these and send them to me, the VSM and the Supreme Master (as noted on the form) ASAP.
Council Visits
The Supreme Master, the VSM, and I expect the FN’s to regularly visit the councils which are assigned to them. The councils assigned to assemblies was recently added to the district website on the Assemblies tab (click here to see them). I don’t expect every council to be visited every month, though I think three or four times a year is reasonable. When the FN can’t make it, someone else from the assembly should deliver the report of the fourth degree.
You may recall that I made an offer a month or two ago to visit councils with you. I do need some lead time so I can arrange my schedule accordingly, as I do make a lot of assembly visits. That said, I am primarily there to help with recruiting. Please feel free to contact me if you feel my presence at a council meeting will be helpful.
Communication to Councils
At the 2024 Fall Harvest Packing Party and District Meeting, I was asked to send some communications to the councils regarding color corps requests. I sent that out just after the Winter Archdiocesan Meeting that was held on January 16, 2025. FN’s and comptrollers received a copy of the email that I sent.
Phishing Expeditions
Occasionally you receive an email from someone that uses my name and asks you to get gift cards for some kind of charitable thing. It also probably tells you I can’t take phone calls or texts, but I was somehow able to send the email. It also usually asks you to respond to the email. These a called PHISHING EXPEDITIONS, or Phishing Attacks, and they are designed to get unsuspecting people to respond. Recently, I have seen text messages as well, doing similar things. Finally, you may see them coming from someone else you know, like your parish priest.
Please don’t fall for these scams. Neither myself nor any parish priest of which I know will ask you to do such a thing. (I ask for baskets for the exemplification basket raffle; parish priests may ask you to buy tickets for a raffle at the parish, or to put a little more in the collection at church.) Check the actual email address, not just the name. (I assure you it is not one of mine nor from anyone else you likely know.) If it is a text, check the phone number from which it came. (Again, I assure you, it is not mine nor likely from anyone else you know.) I ask you to be smart and ignore these kinds of messages.
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all the work you do. I am very grateful to be associated with such a great group of dedicated Fourth Degree Sir Knights!
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Click here for the January 2025 Catholic Patriot, the newsletter sent by Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share the link and the contents with your assembly members.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Worthies All,
It has been a while since my last update, for which I apologize. It has been a busy few months, and I found myself out of town for a bit of that time. Even so, we are now in the midst of Advent with a scant few days before Christmas! I am hopeful that with all the hustle and bustle, we remember the reason for the season: the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Passing of Master Emeritus Frank Pawelak
I am sure all of you are aware that Master Emeritus Frank Pawelak passed on to eternal life on December 9, 2024. I spoke to Lady Joan at the funeral, as well as his daughter Diane, and they both said he went peacefully. Although Frank’s health had been on the decline, it wasn’t until about mid-November that Joan and Diane said that he started to decline quickly.
Frank was a member of my assembly, so this hit us particularly hard. Frank was a mentor to the FN’s and masters that followed him, and his wisdom will be missed. I am very grateful for the outstanding turnout at both the funeral home and Our Lady of Good Council for the funeral Mass. The family appreciated the Sir Knights in uniform that turned out, as well as the amazing showing of brothers and Sir Knights from the council and assembly that were present.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May Frank’s soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Important Upcoming Dates
Packing Party Update
Lady Kathy asked me to pass along to everyone that with the ladies filled 79 boxes with 609 filled stockings. That includes all the work the ladies did at the packing party and additional work with the leftover items. We also donated over $2800.00 dollars to Desert Angel to help with the cost of postage. Lady Kathy and I, along with the folks at Desert Angel, thank the members of the district, both Sir Knights and Ladies, for their outstanding generosity!
Spring District Meeting
The 2025 Spring District meeting will be Saturday, March 1, 2025, at Knights of Columbus, 3501 Rattle Run Rd, St. Clair MI 48079 (click here for map). Richmond Assembly 480 will be our host assembly. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and I am very hopeful that I will be able to share more details on the new Fourth Degree Exemplification ceremony.
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE KNOW HOW MANY ARE COMING FOR LUNCH. Once again I’m going to ask that you CLICK HERE to send an email to with your assembly number and how many people will be coming for the meeting and how many people will be staying for lunch. It would also be helpful to include the names of the people (since sometimes a person gets listed twice). Please DO NOT include the marshals or the district secretary, as I will contact them separately. The cost will be $5 per person, which can be paid at the door. You must let me know by Monday, February 24, 2025. NOTE: This is a different email address than I usually use. I am doing it this way to try and keep the emails separate so I can better keep track of how many are coming.
New York City 125th Anniversary Fourth Degree Exemplification
By now all should know about Supreme’s 125th Anniversary Fourth Degree Exemplification at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City on Saturday, February 22, 2025. This exemplification is still open to anyone that might be interesting in joining the Fourth Degree, as well as the banquet that is to follow. Cost of the exemplification is $60 per candidate; cost of the banquet is $125 per person. Note that there is limited space for both, and I have heard that about 1000 people have signed up to attend the banquet. Also note that all guests, including candidates, are responsible for travel and lodging costs. If you are interested, please click here to start the registration process.
There are at least 6 Sir Knights from the district, and 1 candidate of which I am aware so far, that plan to attend this event.
District 1 Spring Exemplification
Our 2025 Spring Exemplification will be Saturday, March 15, 2025 at St. John Neumann in Canton, MI. Registration will start at 9:00am with the exemplification ceremony starting at 10:30am.
Note that the while the new ceremonial will be available for this event, we will be using the current ceremonial that we have been using. Also, masters have been informed that starting on February 22, 2025, guests WILL BE allowed in the ceremonial room, regardless of the ceremony being used. This means that if your spouses have ever been curious about what we tell candidates, this is very likely the only time they will be able to sit through and learn what we have learned. This is the last time we plan to use the current ceremonial; all future Exemplifications of Patriotism will be using the new ceremonial.
Note that all the forms are online at the website and can be found by clicking here.
District 1 Fourth Degree 125th Anniversary Exemplification
I’ve mentioned both in the Fall Harvest meeting and some of my emails that each Master in the United States has been charged by the Supreme Master to hold a 125th Anniversary Exemplification that will have 125 candidates. He gave us until August 31, 2025, to make this happen. This is a big ask, mainly because I feel we need to be prepared to sit 500 people at the banquet following the event. After looking over the number of venues in Michigan 1 that could hold that many people, as well as the potential cost, PSD and former master Walter Winkle, Jr., has agreed to allow us to use Knight Club, 1195 Gratiot Blvd, Marysville, MI 48040 (click here for map). While I understand this can be a drive for many of the people in the district, I feel it will keep all the events of the day fairly close together.
I have a team of people helping me plan the event. Unfortunately, there is a lot I don’t know about the new exemplification. According to the schedule that is online, it looks like Supreme is planning 1.5 hours for registration, 2 hours for the ceremony and remarks. Mass and the banquet will follow. Since I am planning to go to NYC for the February 22 exemplification, I should learn more with regard to how to plan ours.
The date for our event will be Saturday, August 23, 2025. Yes, this is in the next fraternal year. No, I do not plan to have an exemplification in June, 2025 (so Fourth Degree exemplifications in Michigan 1 will be March 15, then August 23). No, I do not know when I will have one after August 23 (and I probably won’t until I can digest what the new ceremonial is like). Yes, we are trying to work a Mass in between the ceremonial and the banquet.
About getting 125 candidates for the event… I was asked if I should create a quota for each assembly. Since there are about 120 active councils in the Archdiocese of Detroit (Michigan 1’s territory), all we really need is one candidate from each council - that will get us really close. While I realize some councils won’t have any candidates, I am hopeful that our recruiting efforts will yield multiple candidates from some of the other councils.
Also, please keep in mind that in the last three years Michigan has been recognized as Circle of Honor or Pinnacle at the Supreme Convention. Councils have many new members that should be ripe for recruiting.
Korean and Vietnam Veteran Census
I am receiving census spreadsheets, which is great. Please keep working on them. The Supreme Master wants me to emphasize that this is for the entire Knights of Columbus, not just the 4th degree. That means assemblies need to work with the councils that are assigned to them. If we do not talk to them, some veterans may not be included. I know you are doing your best, and I can only ask you to continue your efforts. I am hopeful they will be appreciated at the conclusion of this in 2025.
Census forms are due in early April, 2025. It is my understanding that certificates will be sent by Supreme to those that are included in the survey. Further, we’ve been asked to have celebrations for these veterans in the April/May 2025 time frame that would include Color Corps presence. I’ll pass on more as I hear it.
When I received the Star Assembly plaques for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year, I felt a couple were missing and I asked Supreme about them. Their response was that their 1315 Annual Assembly Audit form was turned in very late. I had the dates (I keep track) and I couldn’t argue that they were, indeed, turned in very late. I mention this as Supreme appears to be holding much closer to the published due dates for the various forms. To be sure, assemblies have but a fraction of the forms that a council does. Even so, I usually have to remind everyone they are due. Note that all the due dates are on the district calendar (click here). The due dates can also be found on each of the forms.
Form 1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity is due on January 31, 2025. I know how difficult it is to get input from your members to complete this form, though I ask you to do your best and try not to be late.
Form 1315 Annual Assembly Audit forms are very late. I will be contacting assemblies that are in this situation, though you should know who you are. Supreme has already contacted me once about late forms, so please complete these and send them to me, the VSM and the Supreme Master (as noted on the form) ASAP.
Council Visits
The Supreme Master, the VSM, and I expect the FN’s to regularly visit the councils which are assigned to them. The councils assigned to assemblies was recently added to the district website on the Assemblies tab (click here to see them). I don’t expect every council to be visited every month, though I think three or four times a year is reasonable. When the FN can’t make it, someone else from the assembly should deliver the report of the fourth degree.
You may recall that I made an offer a month or two ago to visit councils with you. I do need some lead time so I can arrange my schedule accordingly, as I do make a lot of assembly visits. That said, I am primarily there to help with recruiting. Please feel free to contact me if you feel my presence at a council meeting will be helpful.
Knights in Action
Many of you know I routinely post photos of Sir Knights in action on the district web site (click here to see them). While it may take a while, I do try to get them out there as quickly as I can given the other things on my plate. I also occasionally send stuff to the Supreme Master for inclusion in his Catholic Patriot monthly newsletter.
There are also items occasionally posted in the Columbia by Supreme. Having just received my December 2024 issue, I would guide you to pages 26 and 28. On page 26, there is an article at the bottom of the middle column about National Shrine of the Little Flower Council 12408 recognizing them for presenting a chalice. stole chasuble to Fr. John Bettin. On page 28, there is an article at the bottom of the middle column recognizing donations made to Vets Returning Home by St. John Neumann Assembly 478. It is great to see this kind of recognition at the national level for members of our district.
Assemblies should feel free to send items of interest for publication in the Columbia to Speaking from my experience as an FN, they get a lot of items and are forced to pick and choose those that get published in the magazine. Even so, over the years, they published a couple of items I sent, so please take the time to send them items of interest for your assembly.
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all the work you do. I am very grateful to be associated with such a great group of dedicated Fourth Degree Sir Knights!
From Lady Kathy and I, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Click here for the December 2024 Catholic Patriot, the newsletter sent by Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share the link and the contents with your assembly members.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Please click here for the latest Catholic Patriot from Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Please share with everyone in your assembly.
On October 26, 2024, you likely received an email from Supreme with information on the Fourth Degree 125th Anniversary Exemplification which will be held at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, New York, on February 22, 2025. You can click here to go the registration page.
In both the Catholic Patriot and the email you received, it is mentioned that each district is expected to schedule a 125th Anniversary Exemplification with 125 candidates. I am working on this, and I expect to discuss this (and other topics) at the Fall Harvest District Meeting and Packing Party on November 9, 2025, at SS. Cyril & Methodius in Sterling Heights.
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Worthies All,
With fall in the air and football season upon us, we are in the last 8 weeks or so of Ordinary Time. Before we know it, we will celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, the start Advent. And did I mention there is a hotly contested Presidential election on November 5th? With all this distracting us, it can be difficult to keep our minds and hearts focused on God. As Catholics, that is what we are asked to do. Be sure to take a few minutes each day to thank God for all the blessing which he has bestowed upon us!
Important Upcoming Dates
Fall Harvest District Meeting…
Please remember that the Fall District Meeting (and Packing Party) is moved one week later to November 9, 2024. This is to accommodate those that want to attend All Souls Day Mass on Saturday, November 2nd. We will be at SS. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church, 41233 Ryan Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48314 (click here for map). We will open the doors at 8:00am to help unload cars for the packing party. Both the meeting and the Packing Party will begin at 9:30am and should be done by 11:30pm. Lunch will be afterwards.
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT WE KNOW HOW MANY ARE COMING FOR LUNCH. Last year the SignUpGenius didn’t work so well. This year I’m going to ask that you CLICK HERE to send an email to with your assembly number and how many people will be staying for lunch (both Sir Knights and Ladies). It would also be helpful to include the names of the people staying (since sometimes a person gets listed twice). Please DO NOT include the marshals or the district secretary, as I will contact them separately. The cost will be $5 per person, which can be paid at the door. You must let me know by Monday, November 4, 2024, with how many will be staying for lunch. NOTE: This is a different email address than I usually use. I am doing it this way to try and keep the emails separate so I can better keep track of how many are coming.
…and Packing Party
The armed services is no longer delivering Desert Angel packages to specific service men and women as it usually takes too long for the item to reach the intended person. Rather, packages are being sent to unit chaplains or to unit donations manager on a base, camp or ship. Further, the items are being packaged a little differently to make it easier to ship.
Lady Kathy has been working with The Desert Angel to understand all this as well as make a list of requested items that can be packaged and sent to our armed forces. Please see the attachment with a list items that can be packaged. I’ve also included a photo of what is being sent and how it is packaged.
If you have been collecting items for the packing party that are not on the list, PLEASE BRING THEM. The Desert Angel has programs they run all year not only with active military but also with veterans organizations. The items will be used, though they may not be sent at this time of year.
As always, your generosity for our armed service men and women goes a long way toward making them feel that the sacrifice they are making is noticed and remembered by those of us back home.
Upcoming Color Corps Events of Importance
As mentioned above, there are a number of events of importance of which Color Corps is requested.
A Little More on the Color Corps
I’ve received a couple of questions about how to get a Drill Manual. I suggest going to and searching for Drill Manual. You will find the current Drill Manual in PDF form that you can download. I would suggest NOT BUYING a copy, as I am hearing there will be a new version out, maybe around the start of 2025. Downloading the PDF and printing it out, if you must, is easy. I keep a copy of it on my iPhone and my iPad, as it does come in handy sometimes.
The cost of the uniform is now $475.00 from The package includes the jacket, trousers, beret and tie. Note that the trousers will need to be hemmed with no cuff. Almost all Michigan 1 assemblies have program that will help Sir Knights with the purchase. Some councils are also offering to help.
Exemplification Update
On September 28, 2024, in Monroe, Michigan, 48 candidates were exemplified to the Fourth Degree. This is a great start to the fraternal year, and I am hopeful all will become active members in their new assembly. Forty-seven of those new Sir Knights joined a total of 115 assemblies in the district, with one new Sir Knight joining an assembly in Michigan 2.
We will have a mini-exemplification on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at the Immaculate Conception Activity Building, 9764 Dixie Hwy, Ira Twp MI 48023 (think Anchor Bay). As with our other mini-exemplifications, registration will start at 6:00pm, the exemplification will start at 7:00pm or when everyone has arrived and we are ready. Because this is a smaller venue, I need to limit the number of candidates to 30 and the number of dinners to 80. I can try to make accommodations if the numbers are a little larger, but this is not a venue that seats much more than that.
The next full exemplification will be Saturday, March 15, at St. John Neumann in Canton, Michigan. (Note: This will be a busy week-end, as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Will be Sunday, March 16, 2025.) Registration will start at 9:00am, the photo will be at 10:00am, and the ceremonial and Ladies Program will start at 10:30am. Dinner at about 1:00pm. I anticipate this will be the last exemplification Michigan 1 will do with the current ceremonial.
What will likely be our final exemplification for this fraternal year (very likely using the new ceremonial) should be in early June. I am looking in the Commerce Lake - Milford - White Lake area, since this is about the only area we have not had an exemplification. I do not have a location or date yet, and I plan to work with the membership in that area for suggestions.
New Exemplification Ceremonial
The new Fourth Degree Exemplification Ceremonial will be used at the 125th Anniversary Mass of the Fourth Degree on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. (In late October I expect to hear who will be invited or can go.) It will then be made available to the assemblies in the United States on March 1, 2025. Because of the close proximity to our spring exemplification, I expect to use the current ceremonial next March. All the exemplifications after that will use the new ceremonial.
As I mentioned, I expect to hear more about this in October.
Korean and Vietnam Veteran Census
I am receiving census spreadsheets, which is great. Please keep working on them. The Supreme Master wants me to emphasize that this is for the entire Knights of Columbus, not just the 4th degree. That means assemblies need to work with the councils that are assigned to them. If we do not talk to them, some veterans mayl not be included. I know you are doing your best, and I can only ask you to continue your efforts. I am hopeful they will be appreciated at the conclusion of this in 2025.
If you have not started (I recently came across an assembly that had not, please start immediately. One of the best practices related to me by others is to assign one person to each council for which you are responsible. That person being a veteran and a regular attendee at the council meeting is a huge plus.
Census forms are due in early April, 2025. It is my understanding that certificates will be sent by Supreme to those that are included in the survey. Further, we’ve been asked to have celebrations for these veterans in the April/May 2025 time frame that would include Color Corps presence. I’ll pass on more as I hear it.
Clicking here will take you to the Korean/Vietnam census forms. You will also find the instructions, as well as a sample spreadsheet. All are available for you to download.
At this point, 1315 audit forms are very late. I will be contacting assemblies that are in this situation, though you should know who you are. Supreme has already contacted me once about late forms, so please complete these and send them to me, the VSM and the Supreme Master (as noted on the form) ASAP.
Council Visits
The Supreme Master, the VSM, and I expect the FN’s to regularly visit the councils which are assigned to them. The councils assigned to assemblies was recently added to the district website on the Assemblies tab (click here to see them). I don’t expect every council to be visited every month, though I think three or four times a year is reasonable. When the FN can’t make it, someone else from the assembly should deliver the report of the fourth degree.
You may recall that I made an offer a month or two ago to visit councils with you. I do need some lead time so I can arrange my schedule accordingly, as I do make a lot of assembly visits. That said, I am primarily there to help with recruiting. Please feel free to contact me if you feel my presence at a council meeting will be helpful.
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all the work you do. I am very grateful to be associated with such a great group of dedicated Fourth Degree Sir Knights!
God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, Master
Michigan 1
Please click here to see the September 2024 Newsletter from Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share all of this with your members, with the caveat that all that contact information on the first page of the newsletters is NOT be used by you or your members. Despite the fact that it is there, all requests and communications (except for routine reports) should go through me (the district master) which, if I can’t deal with, goes to the the VSM which, if he can’t deal with it, goes to the Supreme Master.
Note: There has been a change in how this is distributed, so putting it on the website is not quite so easy now. Click on the link and you might see why.
If you are interested in getting something from your assembly into the newsletter, please send them to me along with a short write up. I will then forward as appropriate.
God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
Autumn is just around the corner, and the kids are going back to school. Football starts, and most of us are eager for the renewed Detroit Lions to come out with a roar! For the Fourth Degree, this is fall exemplification time, and I have a couple of months with busy week-ends. And with all this noise, we should still find time to still our hearts and praise God for all that he has done for us.
Our next exemplification is September 28, 2024 at the Knights of Columbus - Banquet Rental Hall, 202 W Front St, Monroe, MI 48161. Registration will begin at 9:00AM, the photo will be at 10:00AM, the ceremony and ladies program at 10:30AM. All forms can be found on the Exemplification tab on the district web site ( Unless you have made alternative arrangements, everything should sent to Norm Pranger by September 18, or, 10 days prior to the event. Note that I am still working on a class honoree and will let you know when I have that finalized.
We will have a mini-exemplification on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at the Immaculate Conception Activity Building, 9764 Dixie Hwy, Ira Twp MI 48023 (think Anchor Bay). As with our other mini-exemplifications, registration will start at 6:00pm, the exemplification will start at 7:00pm or when everyone has arrived and we are ready.
While I was hopeful the 2025 Spring Exemplification would be the first week-end in March, that is looking less likely and I will probably have to go with the second or third week-end. Since this puts it in Lent, I am looking for a location that does not do a Fish Fry the night before. More to come on this as I finalize a location.
Exemplification Baskets
As in the past, Lady Kathy and I are always grateful for the donations to the basket raffle. Kathy and I usually put together at least six baskets a year for the various events we attend, and it really isn’t that hard. With the fall brings football, Halloween, Thanksgiving and eventually Christmas, all of which are great themes for a basket. We humbly ask that your assembly consider donating a basket. It greatly helps to keep the cost of the event low for everyone.
New Exemplification Ceremonial
The new Fourth Degree Exemplification Ceremonial will be used at the 125th Anniversary Mass of the Fourth Degree on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. (In late October I expect to hear who will be invited or can go.) It will then be made available to the assemblies in the United States on March 1, 2025. Because of the close proximity to our spring exemplification, I expect to use the current ceremonial next March. All the exemplifications after that will use the new ceremonial.
As I mentioned, I expect to hear more about this in October.
Officer Installations
I have installed officers at 20 assemblies. I would like to install the rest, though I need you to schedule the event. I prefer to do multiple assemblies together (2 to 4), so this requires communication and coordination on the part of the FN’s. Also, September is when things start to get busy again. In September, I have a KofC function every Saturday!
Please schedule your officer installation, and DO NOT wait until the last week of September. The answer will likely be be no as I am usually busy preparing for the exemplification.
Fourth Degree Uniform
On September 1st, the cost of the Fourth Degree uniform increased $30 and now be $479. We received notification of this about a month ago, and I did let people know as best I could. That said, I encourage those that would like to join the Color Corps to purchase the uniform. Almost every assembly in our district has a program to help with the purchase.
The number of requests for Color Corps at events is increasing, not decreasing. Someone just asked me how many events in which my assembly was requested to participate. I counted 45 events covering for the last 39 weeks. That is a lot of fallouts, and not everyone can make every event. The more Color Corps members we have, the easier it is for everyone to participate.
Korean and Vietnam Veteran Census
I am receiving census spreadsheets, which is great. Please keep working them. Also, I want to repeat that this is for the entire Knights of Columbus, not just the 4th degree. That means assemblies need to work with the councils that are assigned to them. If we do not talk to them, they will not be included. I know you are doing your best, and I can only ask you to continue your efforts. I am hopeful they will be appreciated at the conclusion of this in 2025.
Census forms are due in early April, 2025. It is my understanding that certificates will be sent by Supreme to those that are included in the survey. Further, we’ve been asked to have celebrations for these veterans in the April/May 2025 time frame that would include Color Corps presence. I’ll pass on more as I hear it.
I have received only 18 of 31 form 1315 Annual Assembly Audit Reports. They are very late at this point. I have sent an email to the FN and comptroller for every audit I have received. If you did not get one from me, then I don’t think I have an audit from your assembly. Please send it ASAP.
Also, I have been taking time to look over the audits I have received, and I feel some may need to be corrected. (Truthfully, I have not been very good about this since becoming district master.) I will be contacting comptrollers over the coming weeks to have a conversation about them. Some of the issues are fairly minor, some a little more complex. Note that I have been talking with some assembly audit experts to make sure I have a firm understanding of what is correct. Also, while I think there could be some simple changes to the form to make it a little more straightforward, the form is what it is until it gets updated again, so we need to work with what we have.
Council Visits
The Supreme Master, the VSM, and I expect the FN’s to regularly visit the councils which are assigned to them. The councils assigned to assemblies was recently added to the district website on the Assemblies tab (click here to see them). I don’t expect every council to be visited every month, though I think three or four times a year is reasonable. When the FN can’t make it, someone else from the assembly should deliver the report of the fourth degree.
You may recall that I made an offer a month or two ago to visit councils with you. I do need some lead time so I can arrange my schedule accordingly, as I do make a lot of assembly visits. That said, I am primarily there to help with recruiting. Please feel free to contact me if you feel my presence at a council meeting will be helpful.
Major Fallouts (and Charity Ask)
I recently sent to the marshals requests for two of the largest fallouts we have every year: the Commerce Mass on Wednesday, October 16, 2025 at 8:00am (yes, this is a date change from what was announced at last year’s Mass) and the DAVL Memorial Mass on Sunday, November 3, 2025 at 10:00am. Both events are at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, and we ask that you arrive about 60 minutes prior to the start of Mass, as parking at SHMS can get a little dicey.
Also, I ask once again that those coming to the Commerce Mass on October 16 bring a bag of Halloween candy (or two) for the seminarians to distribute to the neighborhood kids. This is a small but great way to show support for the young men that will become priests just a few years down the road.
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all the work you do. I am very grateful to be associated with such a great group of dedicated Fourth Degree Sir Knights!
God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
We call this ordinary time, and yet God continues to do extraordinary things all around us! We completed the National Eucharistic Congress just a few weeks ago, and the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention last week. As I was talking to some of my peers in Quebec City, I was reminded of the power of prayer and how it can help those around us in amazing ways. God is good, and we need to remember that every day!
District Master
A few days ago I received official notification from the Supreme Master that I have been reappointed as the District Master for Michigan 1. I am humbled and honored to be selected for a second term, and I ask for your prayers as I help us navigate another two years.
While at the Supreme Convention in Quebec City, the Michigan Knights of Columbus were recognized four ways:
We should all feel proud to be part of a state that clearly is involved and helps to keep Fr. McGivney’s vision alive!
From the VSM
As I mentioned above, the Supreme Assembly was held immediately after the Supreme Convention in Quebec City. This is the way it was done before Covid, and for us it means more timely information, decisions on new district masters and VSM's, resolutions, awards, and anything else that the Supreme Master and the Supreme Council is working on the impacts the Fourth Degree. These are a few items the VSM passed on to us of which I want to make you aware:
The last set of forms that cover the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year are due in August. Here is the quick list with links (otherwise this would be a large email). Note that these can also be found on the district website (, click on Forms):
Due August 15, 2024:
While the four items noted above are optional, it is always nice to be able to recognize those that have made significant contributions. Keep in mind that the District Sir Knight of the year, Lady of the Year and Ladies Activity of the Year winners are forwarded to the VSM for consideration at the provincial level. (Last year Michigan won all three awards at the provincial level. Our district had both the Provincial Lady of the Year and the Provincial Ladies Activity of the Year.)
Officer Installations
I have completed officer installations for the following assemblies:
The following are the dates and assemblies for which I have officer installations scheduled:
The following are dates for which I am unavailable:
Our next exemplification is September 28, 2024 at the Knights of Columbus - Banquet Rental Hall, 202 W Front St, Monroe, MI 48161. Registration will begin at 9:00AM, the photo will be at 10:00AM, the ceremony at 10:30AM. All forms can be found on the Exemplification tab on the district web site (
I am planning a mini-exemplification for early December 2024 at the Immaculate Conception Activity Building, 9764 Dixie Hwy, Ira Twp MI 48023 (think Anchor Bay). As with our other mini-exemplifications, registration will start at 6:00pm, the exemplification will start at 7:00pm or when everyone has arrived and we are ready. More on this when I have a date and approval from the State Deputy and VSM. Late breaking news: Tuesday, December 3, 2024, has been approved by the State Deputy and I expect approval soon from the VSM.
I am hopeful the Spring 2025 Exemplification will be Saturday, March 1. It will likely be at St. Edith in Livonia or St. John Neumann in Canton. This will be the last exemplification in our district using the current 4th Degree Ceremonial.
We will likely have a June exemplification using the new ceremonial at a location to be determined.
Korean and Vietnam Veteran Census
I am receiving census spreadsheets, which is great. Please keep working them. Also, I want to repeat that this is for the entire Knights of Columbus, not just the 4th degree. That means assemblies need to work with the councils that are assigned to them. If we do not talk to them, they will not be included. I know you are doing your best, and I can only ask you to continue your efforts. I am hopeful they will be appreciated at the conclusion of this in 2025.
This information is due in early April, 2025. It is my understanding that certificates will be sent by Supreme to those that are included in the survey. Further, we’ve been asked to have celebrations for these veterans in the April/May 2025 time frame that would include Color Corps presence. I’ll pass on more as I hear it.
In closing, I pray that you and your families will have a safe and healthy summer!
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all you do. God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
As we make our way through the summer, it seems like there is no end to the work we have to do. Just when I think I have a few minutes to take a break, I am reminded that I have work to do, commitments to keep and places to be. I am sure it is the same for all of you! Even so, we keep our eyes on Jesus, and pray that we are able to do His work for the greater glory of God.
A few items worth mentioning as we make our way through July and into August...
District Master
A few days ago I received official notification from the Supreme Master that I have been reappointed as the District Master for Michigan 1. I am humbled and honored to be selected for a second term, and I ask for your prayers as I help us navigate another two years.
The last set of forms that cover the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year are due in August. Here is the quick list with links (otherwise this would be a large email). Note that these can also be found on the district website (, click on Forms):
Due August 15, 2024:
While the four items noted above are optional, it is always nice to be able to recognize those that have made significant contributions. Keep in mind that the District Sir Knight of the year, Lady of the Year and Ladies Activity of the Year winners are forwarded to the VSM for consideration at the provincial level. (Last year Michigan won all three awards at the provincial level. Our district had both the Provincial Lady of the Year and the Provincial Ladies Activity of the Year.)
Officer Installations
The following are the dates and assemblies for which I have officer installations scheduled:
The following are dates for wich I am unavailable:
Again, I ask that you work with other assemblies in your area to find a couple of dates you can offer me to schedule your officer installation. We are getting close to the end of July, so I am guessing most will happen in August or early September.
International Dinner
Our Canadian friends are having an international dinner on Saturday, September 14, 2024. I’ve included the information, below, that I would like you to pass on to your members. Those interested in attending should follow the instructions. Note that this is for all Knights of Columbus members, not just 4th degree.
Our next exemplification isSeptember 28, 2024 at the Knights of Columbus - Banquet Rental Hall, 202 W Front St, Monroe, MI 48161. Registration will begin at 9:00AM, the photo will be at 10:00AM, the ceremony at 10:30AM. All forms can be found on the Exemplification tab on the district web site (
I am planning a mini-exemplification early in December. It will likely be at the Immaculate Conception Activity Building, 9764 Dixie Hwy, Ira Twp MI 48023 (think Anchor Bay).
I am hopeful the Spring 2025 Exemplification will be Saturday, March 1. It will likely be at St. Edith in Livonia or St. John Neumann in Canton. This will very likely be the last exemplification in our district using the current 4th Degree Ceremonial.
The new ceremonial should be available on February 22, 2025, the 125th anniversary of the 4th Degree. Because this is only 1 week away from when I am planning the spring exemplification, the VSM has indicated we will likely be able to use the current ceremonial as we will be in a transition period.
Note that I don’t know much about the new ceremonial, though I am hearing:
Korean and Vietnam Veteran Census
I am already starting to receive census spreadsheets, which is great. Please keep working them. Also, I want to repeat that this is for the entire Knights of Columbus, not just the 4th degree. That means assemblies need to work with the councils that are assigned to them. If we do not talk to them, they will not be included. I know you are doing your best, and I can only ask you to continue your efforts. I am hopeful they will be appreciated at the conclusion of this in 2025.
Color Corps
The VSM recently forwarded to the Hennepin Province District Masters men’s grooming guidelines for Color Corps members. I have passed these on to the marshals, and will pass them on to any interested commander and FN. I can only assume somewhere there was an issue that caused the guidelines to be sent. I have not seen any issues with any of our Sir Knights, and neither have the marshals. It is fair to say that the guidelines are intended to keep our Color Corps looking sharp, professional and approachable.
On a slightly different note, some Color Corps members in the past couple of months have been the recipient of a new beret. I ordered some “inspection ready” berets, and when I see someone that has an issue, I talk to them. In many cases, it is a beret that is the wrong size, or an old beret that just doesn’t have a lot of material. Those that received the new beret seemed very appreciative of the concern being shown. Because of how they were sent, they do need to be steamed a bit to get some creases out. Even so, perhaps you have noticed that our berets are looking sharper and we are wearing them better.
In closing, I pray that you and your families will have a safe and healthy summer!
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all you do. God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Please the attached June/July 2024 Newsletter from Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share all of this with your members, with the caveat that all that contact information on the first page of the newsletters is NOT be used by you or your members. Despite the fact that it is there, all requests and communications (except for routine reports) should go through me (the district master) which, if I can’t deal with, goes to the the VSM which, if he can’t deal with it, goes to the Supreme Master.
If you are interested in getting something from your assembly into the newsletter, please send them to me along with a short write up. I will then forward as appropriate.
God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
This year’s State Officer Installation Mass and Dinner will be on Saturday, September 7, 2024. Mass will be at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption located at 615 Hoyt Avenue, Saginaw, Michigan, at 4:00 pm. The reception and banquet will follow beginning at 6:00 pm at the Horizons Conference Center located at 6200 State Street, Saginaw, Michigan 48603.
Note that this is well outside of District 1. District 4 is the host district, with SK Dale Korson being the host master. We expect to need about 20 Color Corps (total) for this event, so it is likely District 4 will be able to provide most of the need. Even so, if anyone in your assembly is interested in attending the event as Color Corps (or otherwise), please see the attached information with more details, including hotel and RSVP information. Note that if anyone plans to attend, they must return the RSVP to Sue Thorn (not me) as per the instructions.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All, In the last two days I received the following from Supreme Master Michael McCusker:
Worthy Sir Knights & Brothers,
In 2019, the Order entered an agreement with The Supply Room (TSR) in Oxford, Alabama, to serve as the sole manufacturer of the official Fourth Degree uniform. Per the current licensing agreement and the requirements of the Supreme Board of Directors, the manufacturing, production, and sale of the uniform is required to undergo a request for proposal (RFP) every five years.
After reviewing RFPs from TSR and another manufacturer, the Order chose to remain with TSR for an additional three years. Under the new agreement, the cost of the uniform will increase from $449 to $475. This new cost will take effect September 1, 2024. The new price is less than the price quoted in the other RFP that the Order received and is below the inflation rate from 2019 to 2024.
Please note that the current TSR pricing is still available through August 31, 2024. Uniforms can be purchased online by visiting I encourage you to avail yourself of that opportunity, especially ahead of the 125th Anniversary of the Fourth Degree on February 22, 2025.
Thank you for your continued service to our Order, especially to the Fourth Degree!
Vivat Jesus!
Michael McCusker
Supreme Master
As we start the 2024-2025 Fraternal Year, I want to extend my thanks to those officer that served their councils last fraternal year. In particular, I want to thank the following Sir Knights that may now use the title Past Faithful Navigator:
I also want to thank the following comptrollers that have given faithful service in this demanding position:
Please join me in welcoming the following Sir Knights to the position of Faithful Navigator:
I also want to acknowledge Sir Knights that are stepping into the Comptroller position for their assembly:
Thanks to these Sir Knights, as well as all the other officers in Michigan District 1, that are continuing in their leadership positions from last year or are taking new positions this year. I feel confident all leaders will continue the great work of the order as well as the great traditions that each assembly has created over the years.
I have updated the district website to reflect these changes, as well as any changes of which I have been made aware for commander.
Finally, thanks for all you do, God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Please the attached May 2024 Newsletter from Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share all of this with your members, with the caveat that all that contact information on the first page of the newsletters is NOT be used by you or your members. Despite the fact that it is there, all requests and communications (except for routine reports) should go through me (the district master) which, if I can’t deal with, goes to the the VSM which, if he can’t deal with it, goes to the Supreme Master.
I apologize for my tardiness in getting this to you. I’ve been doing a bit of catch-up lately. Note that Michigan is featured at the bottom of page 4 with two photos from the State Convention.
If you are interested in getting something from your assembly into the newsletter, please send them to me along with a short write up. I will then forward as appropriate.
God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
We have completed the Easter season and have entered Ordinary Time. I know some people feel this is extraordinary time, as our Lord Jesus has died for our sins and risen from the dead. In the United States we have events leading up to the National Eucharistic Revival in July, which helps underscore the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Exemplification Update
On June 10th, 2024, Michigan District 1 welcomed 20 new members at Our Lady Star of the Sea in Grosse Pointe Woods. This brings the total number of new Sir Knights exemplified in our district to 129 for the fraternal year.
Our next exemplification will be September 28, 2024 at the Knights of Columbus - Banquet Rental Hall, 202 W Front St, Monroe, MI 48161. This is about as far south as I plan to go for an exemplification in the archdiocese. I am hopeful we will have a good turnout from those assemblies in the south of our district, and perhaps pull some people from Toledo up for the event.
For December, I have had discussions with the FN of 2804 St. Mary of the Lake to see if they would host the event in their social hall. While this is a small venue, I think this might work given the time of year and the number of assemblies in that area. More to come.
For spring 2025, I am looking at St. Edith in Livonia. I am also thinking about something in June 2025. I don’t have a venue yet, though I am thinking about something in the northwest part of the district.
The word from the Supreme Master and the VSM is that the new Fourth Degree Ceremonial will be available early next year. I have no doubt this will impact the building and room needs for the event, though I don’t yet know exactly how. I feel confident there will be more to come latter this year.
About those social baldrics… The Supreme Master has said they are no longer going to provided in exemplifications that occur on or after July 1, 2024. It was my intent to provide the option to new Sir Knights to obtain one at the exemplification. I discussed this recently with the VSM, and after considering his view, I will not be making this an option going forward. This change in course is more in line with the other districts as well as the intent of the Supreme Master. Do keep in mind, however, that Sir Knights can still obtain one (at least so far) from (item 4E).
Color Corps Event Recap
This past weekend (June 15/16) we had two major events - McGivney Special Needs Field Blessing and Dedication in Clinton Township and the Living Rosary in Lansing, MI. Because of the significance of both, we split the district Color Corps. We had a great showing at McGivney Field. District 2 hosted and carried the Living Rosary, though we still had Sir Knights in attendance. I want to thank all those that took time from their week-end to help support these events as well as the altar blessing at St. Isidore that was later in the day, and the additional events on Father's Day.
All assemblies should have completed their elections by now. While some think the elections should be held in June, the bylaws state clearly they should be in May. Further, once the election results are finalized, the new officers should be entered in Membership Management. This will let Supreme know what person will be filling what position. Alternately, a form 186 Report of Officers Chosen can be sent to Supreme, though I can assure you this is a lot slower.
District Update
While well below our district quota of 188, we do have a number of assemblies that met or exceeded their new member quota, greatly increasing their ability to attain Star Assembly. These are the assemblies that met or exceeded the goal:
As a quick reminder, this is what is needed to qualify for Star Assembly:
Upcoming Due Dates
The following are the upcoming due dates for forms (these due dates can also be found on the Michigan District 1 Calendar of Events at
As you can see, the Assembly Directory Form (send to Cliff Wasmund) should have been sent by now. To date, I have only 9. Three other forms are due by the end of the month. So far I have received 11 Officers Chosen forms or reports and 3 Civic Award applications. I have sent emails to all those that sent them to me (including those that arrived via US Mail). See the list at the end of the email for the complete list of those I have received. (And, yes, I am trying to figure out a good way to put this online.) If you think you sent me a form and it is not marked with an “x” indicating I received it, please contact me as quickly as you can.
Please be sure to note to whom these reports should be sent, and please be sure to cc me on all reports. If Supreme misplaces them, they will contact me. I would like to have a copy so I don’t have to bother you.
Also, about that officers chosen report… I need a copy of all your officers, including your commander. If you use Membership Management to update your officers, there is a report you can generate that will have that information. Otherwise, I need a copy of the 186. Thanks for understanding and helping me with this.
Officer Installations
Officer installations should occur in July and August. Our goal should be to have, on average, four or five sets of assembly officers installed at each event. I am not available July 4 through July 9 (Summer Meeting and Archdiocesan Meeting) and August 3 through August 10 (Supreme Convention). I will let you know if about any other dates as they arise. When you schedule, it is best to give me two or three dates to work with.
I have already started to receive requests, so please be mindful and start to think about when you would like the installation to occur.
Korean and Vietnam Veterans Survey
I know many assemblies are working with councils on this already, and I am very grateful for that. I also know that with the passing of 50 years, this is a large and hard ask. I appreciate the work you are doing to pull this together for the benefit of our members.
Supreme has created an optional online input that can be used as an alternative to the spreadsheet. It can be found by clicking here. Again, I emphasize this is an alternative to the spreadsheet. You do not have to enter the information in both the spreadsheet and the online form.
Supreme has said certificates recognizing service will be delivered to surviving veterans via their councils. They have asked district master to encourage Faithful Navigators to collaborate with their local Grand Knights to hold an event for those veterans receiving the certificate. Having a 4th Degree Honor Guard present during the certificate presentation will help show our appreciation and let veterans know that their sacrifices are not forgotten.
Assembly and Council Visits
I’m sure all of you know I try to regularly visit all the assemblies in the district. Sometimes it might be six months between visits, depending on how many assemblies meet that particular evening. While I want to continue making those visits, I also want to extend an offer to join you in visiting some of the councils in the area.
Note that I try to always give advanced notice of my coming to a meeting. The same would apply to a council, and I would expect one of the flag officers of the assembly (the FN preferably) to accompany me. I would visit to talk about the Fourth Degree (think recruitment) as well as the Color Corps (think growing the Corps). As always, the goal would be to talk for no more than five minutes, and answer as many questions as I can. Please give this some thought, and let me know if there is a council at which you would like me to join you.
Upcoming Supreme Events of Interest
The Supreme Convention is in Quebec City August 6-8, 2024. While all are invited, hotel space is limited. If you are thinking of attending, I suggest making hotel arrangements and getting tickets to the States Dinner on Tuesday, August 6. Last year’s State’s Dinner was awesome!
Also, we have word that there will be a Fourth Degree 125th Anniversary Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. I believe it is scheduled for Saturday, February 22nd, 2025, at 5:30PM. As of yet I have no word on if all are invited or if this is invitation only. I’m sure there will be more to come.
Much thanks to you and your assemblies for all you do. God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
First, a reminder that all paperwork for the June 10, 2024, mini Exemplification at Our Lady Star of the Sea is due to district comptroller Norm Pranger tomorrow, June 5, 2024. If for some reason you may have trouble getting it to him, please contact him to make alternate arrangements. It is important for us to have enough information to plan the event.
Second, we WILL have a class honoree. Monsignor Gary Smetanka, pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, has agreee to be honored.
I look forward to seeing you on June 10!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
Our celebration of Pentecost reminds us that Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit down upon the Apostles and Mary and sent them out to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bringing to a close our Easter Celebration. How fortunate we are to have this gift passed down to us over the last two millennium!
June 10 Mini Exemplification
We are less than two weeks away from the June 10th mini Exemplification at Our Lady Star of the Sea in Grosse Pointe Woods. Our district comptroller, Norm Pranger, is a little nervous as he is aware of only three candidates. I believe there are more out there, as I come to many of the assembly meetings. Please send your forms to Norm as soon as you can (and certainly by June 5) so we can plan the event accordingly. All exemplification forms can be found by clicking here.
All assemblies should have completed their elections by now. While some think the elections should be held in June, the bylaws state clearly they should be in May. Further, once the election results are finalized, the new officers should be entered in Membership Management. This will let Supreme know what person will be filling what position. Alternately, a form 186 Report of Officers Chosen can be sent to Supreme, though I can assure you this is a lot slower.
Upcoming Due Dates
The following are the upcoming due dates for forms (these due dates can also be found on the Michigan District 1 Calendar of Events at
Also, about that officers chosen report… I need a copy of all your officers, including your commander. If you use Membership Management to update your officers, there is a report you can generate that will have that information. Otherwise, I need a copy of the 186. Thanks for understanding and helping me with this.
Officer Installations Officer installations should occur in July and August. Our goal should be to have, on average, four or five sets of assembly officers installed at each event. I am not available July 4 through July 9 (Summer Meeting and Archdiocesan Meeting) and August 3 through August 10 (Supreme Convention). I will let you know if about any other dates as they arise. When you schedule, it is best to give me two or three dates to work with.
Color Corps During the State Convention caucus meeting, I mentioned to those in attendance that many (maybe all) assemblies in District 1 have a program in place to help members buy the uniform. I suggested that one way to help grow the Corps is for councils to have a similar program for their Fourth Degree Sir Knights that are interested in joining. This will make the uniform that much more affordable and help our numbers. I ask that as you visit councils, please encourage them to have such a program.
Korean and Vietnam Veterans Survey
I know many assemblies are working with councils on this already, and I am very grateful for that. I also know that with the passing of 50 years, this is a large and hard ask. I appreciate the work you are doing to pull this together for the benefit of our members.
Supreme has created an optional online input that can be used as an alternative to the spreadsheet. It can be found by clicking here. Again, I emphasize this is an alternative to the spreadsheet. You do not have to enter the information in both the spreadsheet and the online form.
Supreme has said certificates recognizing service will be delivered to surviving veterans via their councils. They have asked district master to encourage Faithful Navigators to collaborate with their local Grand Knights to hold an event for those veterans receiving the certificate. Having a 4th Degree Honor Guard present during the certificate presentation will help show our appreciation and let veterans know that their sacrifices are not forgotten.
I’m sure I don’t thank you and your assemblies enough for all you do. God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthy Faithful Navigators and Color Corps Commanders,
This year the Knights of Columbus Michigan State Convention will be at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island from Wednesday, May 22 through Friday, May 24. As in past years, the Fourth Degree Color Corps will be asked to participate in many of the activities.
If you plan to attend the state convention, and you are Color Corps, I ask that you bring you uniform and sword. All 4 Michigan districts will have members participating, and the more Color Corps we have the better it looks for everyone.
I’ll list the events I am aware of below. There are, however, three events for which I have online signups so we don’t have to ask people at the last minute on the island to do something. I ask that you kindly consider participating in one of these, even though it does take some of your time.
Eucharistic Procession (Wednesday, May 22): Click here
Eucharistic Adoration (Wednesday, May 22) or Dinner Escorts (Thursday, May 23): Click here
State Convention Color Corps Events:
Tuesday, May 21
Wednesday, May 22
Thursday, May 23
Friday, May 24
As you can see, we have a lot going on. Your particpation is appreciated not only by me, but also the other district masters, the marshals, the State Board and many of the participants in the convention.
If you have any questions, please start with the marshals. If they can’t answer it, they will contact me.
Thanks, God Bless, Vivat Jesus, and I look forward to seeing you at the State Convention on Mackinac Island!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Please the attached April 2024 Newsletter from Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share all of this with your members, with the caveat that all that contact information on the first page of the newsletters is NOT be used by you or your members. Despite the fact that it is there, all requests and communications (except for routine reports) should go through me (the district master) which, if I can’t deal with, goes to the the VSM which, if he can’t deal with it, goes to the Supreme Master.
If you are interested in getting something from your assembly into the newsletter, please send them to me along with a short write up. I will then forward as appropriate.
God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
Worthy FN’s, Comptrollers and Commanders,
This past weekend we exemplified 35 new Sir Knights in 17 assemblies. It is great to see new members joining our ranks. Please encourage them to get involved (elections are here) and also to consider joining the Color Corps.
The district will have a mini-exemplification at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church, 467 Fairford Rd, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 (click here for map), on Monday, June 10, 2024. Registration will be at 6:00pm, the ceremony will start at 7:00pm or after all the candidates have arrived and registered. Note that this is a small facility, and I need to limit the number of candidates to 30, and the total number of row guests to 80. As with the last mini-exemplification, there will not be a basket or 50/50 raffle. There will be a Ladies’ program. I have updated the district website with the pertinent information, and it can be found here:
I plan to have the next full exemplification at the Knights of Columbus - Banquet Rental Hall, 202 W Front St, Monroe, MI 48161 (click here for map), on Saturday, September 28, 2024. Registration will be at 9:00am, the ceremony will start at 10:30am.
The spring 2025 exemplification will very likely be in the Livonia or Canton area. I have a few locations in mind. Key dates I am planning around are Ash Wednesday (March 5), the St Patrick Day Parade (Sunday, March 16), Palm Sunday and Easter (April 13 and 20). There is a good chance the exemplification will be in late March.
The To Be A Patriot Award Application is due to me at the end of the month. This is required for the STAR assembly award. It is important to get this to me on time, as I need to forward the best entry to the VSM by May 15. The VSM then forwards his best entry to Supreme by May 31. Because of the tight timeline, late entries will not be considered. I’ve attached the application to this email.
I know elections are just around the corner. Many of you use Membership Management and enter the upcoming officers online. I do, however, need you to send me a 186 Report of Officers Chosen report, OR the online report that can be generated in Membership Management. Either will work, and it will help me make sure the new officers are entered into the system.
Finally, the State Convention is Wednesday, May 22 through Friday, May 24. Color Corps is needed for a lot of the activities, including greeting delegates as early as Tuesday, May 21. As with last year, we will be doing a Eucharistic Procession from St. Anne to the Grand Hotel on Wednesday morning. I plan to have some online signups available next week. If you have Color Corps that plan to be on the island, please ask them to bring their uniform. The events always look that much more dignified with a large Color Corps.
Thanks for all you do, God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
The Archdiocese of Detroit is hosting regional Eucharistic Congress events this spring. The Congresses will include dynamic speakers, amazing music, time in prayer, and more.
The first of four was Saturday, April 6, at St. Kieran in Shelby Township. I spoke to a few people that attended and they said it was amazing!
The next three are as follows:
South Region: Saturday, April 27, 9:00am to 1:00pm, St. Francis Cabrini, 9000 Laurence Ave, Allen Park, MI 48101.
Northwest Region: Saturday, May 11, 9:00am to 1:00pm, St Andrew Catholic Church, 1400 Inglewood Ave, Rochester, MI 48307
Central Region: Saturday, June 1, 9:30am to 3:00pm, St. Scholastica Parish, 8201 Outer Dr W, Detroit, MI 48219.
Please click here to visit the AOD website for more information and to RSVP.
Gene Suchyta, Master
Michigan District 1
Please the attached March 2024 Newsletter from Supreme Master Michael McCusker. Feel free to share all of this with your members, with the caveat that all that contact information on the first page of the newsletters is NOT be used by you or your members. Despite the fact that it is there, all requests and communications (except for routine reports) should go through me (the district master) which, if I can’t deal with, goes to the the VSM which, if he can’t deal with it, goes to the Supreme Master.
If you are interested in getting something from your assembly into the newsletter, please send them to me along with a short write up. I will then forward as appropriate.
Happy Easter, God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthy FN's and Comptrollers,
I received clarification from VSM Ed Ponder regarding the Korean and Vietnam Census.
The attached document was sent out earlier, and the information contained herein is correct. Please see the paragraph titled Qualifications; that is:
Please note that this is contrary to the information the VSM originally asked the district masters to send. Both the VSM and I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Worthies All,
My apologies for taking a few days to get this done. As in the past, I’ve tried to summarize the high points of the most recent district meeting for you to use as you see fit over your next meeting or two. As before, you only need to go over those items you feel are of importance to your membership.
That said, there are just a couple of things I want to highlight:
Finally, in very late breaking news, the District Color Corps will be asked to participate in a VA Hospital building dedication ceremony in Ann Arbor on May 21, 2024. While I don’t have all the details yet, I do know the building will be named after Brigadier General Carol Ann Fausone (ret.), a Michigan native and very active in veteran affairs in our great state. I also know that is the week of the State Convention, and Lady Kathy and I will be there (since I am still the host master for the convention). I will post all the information when I have it. I know many of our Color Corps will be up at the island (as will a lot of Ann Arbor’s District 2). Even so, for those that stay at home, I am hoping they will consider supporting the event once details are finalized.
God Bless and Vivat Jesus!
Eugene Suchyta, District Master
Michigan District 1
Master's Staff
District Friar:
Rev. Paul Ballien
Gene Suchyta
Sr. Marshal:
George Roumaya
Curt Best
Bob Greening
Dale Miller
Norm Pranger
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Master's Staff
Phone: 734.748.2644
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of Michigan District 1. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.
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