Worthy Faithful Navigators,
Please see the following note regarding the new uniform from our Supreme Master.
In March, 2009, a memo was sent from the Supreme Master to all the Vice-Supreme Masters regarding information that should be considered directives. Some of the items, because of their nature, have run their course, while others are still pertinent. Those that are still pertinent are listed below. Click here or on the image for the full text of the memo.
Chain of Command: Most problems should be handled locally (FN's to Masters to VSM). VSM is the boss in his Province. We are still receiving phone calls from FN's, etc. that should be going to the Master.
Medals: The only medals allowed are the ones authorized in the Drill Manual. No military medals are allowed. No Exceptions. Flag Pins (see attached memo dated 12/16/08). [Note: The attachement is not available.]
Master's Staff
District Friar:
Rev. Paul Ballien
Gene Suchyta
Sr. Marshal:
George Roumaya
Curt Best
Bob Greening
Dale Miller
Norm Pranger
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Master's Staff
Phone: 734.748.2644
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