District Friar Rev. Paul Ballien Office: 734.455.5910, ext. 106 Council 16169 St. John Neumann Assembly 0520 Monsignor Hunt |
District Master Eugene "Gene" Suchyta Spouse: Lady Kathy gene.suchyta@gmail.com Cell: 734.748.2644 Council 16169 St. John Neumann Assembly 1536 Pope John XXIII |
Executive Secretary Mark Palmer Spouse: Lady Susan m.palmer@mikofc.org Home: 248.588.3469 Cell: 248.981.4677 Council 12408 National Shrine of the Little Flower Assembly 0482 Bishop Michael Gallagher |
Comptroller Norm Pranger ndp651@aol.com Cell: 248.835.8200 Council 4401 St. Francis of Assisi Assembly 2136 St. Francis of Assisi |
Sr. Marshal George Roumaya Spouse: Lady Eman george3345@comcast.net Home: 734.522.3089 Cell: 734.306.0269 Council 4513 Immaculate Conception Assembly 1536 Pope John XXIII |
Marshal Curt Best Spouse: Lady Kathy cjb0152@gmail.com Cell: 586.382.9397 Council 13799 St. Michael of Sterling Hts Assembly 2149 St. Michael the Archangel |
Marshal Bob Greening Spouse: Lady Cindy sirknightrobert0484@yahoo.com Cell: 586.615.1740 Council 14213 Holy Innocents-St. Barnabas Assembly 0484 Richard Cardinal Cushing |
Marshal Dale Miller Spouse: Lady Nelia district1marshal.dmiller@gmail.com Cell: 734.771.4892 Council 1802 Wyandotte Assembly 0475 Msgr. Francis F. Van Antwerp |
Marshal Emeritus Herb Stacer Spouse: Sandy srmarshalldist1@att.net Cell: 910.388.4882 Council 8659 Sacred Heart of the Hills Assembly 3082 Divine Mercy |
Marshal Emeritus Tom Schmidt tmschmidt2@yahoo.com Cell: 586.949.8148 Council 744 John Cardinal Dearden Assembly 490 Bishop Kelley |
Trustee Clifford Wasmund, FVSM Spouse: Lady Susan spwasmund@aol.com Cell: 734.634.7989 Council 11772 St. John Vianney Assembly 2599 Sacred Heart |
Trustee Mark Brezenski, Former District Master Spouse: Lady Janice m.brezenski@mikofc.org Cell: 248.227.8120 Council 13453 Saint Anastasia Assembly 0482 Bishop Michael Gallagher |
Trustee John Hundiak, Former District Master Spouse: Lady Elizabeth jhundiak@gmail.com Cell: 248.652.3433 Council 13950 St. Mary of the Hills Assembly 3082 Divine Mercy |
Historian Mark Elias Spouse: Lady Mary mark@markelias.com Cell: 586.241.3939 Council 3257 Bishop William F. Murphy Assembly 0484 Richard Cardinal Cushing |
Registrar Erni Boulos erniboulos1952@gmail.com Cell: 586.747.5565 Council 11658 St. Hubert Assembly 0490 Bishop Kelley |
Narrator Carl Bontomasi Spouse: Lady Nichole BluewaterPFC@gmail.com Cell: 586.489.9272 Council 7011 St. Nicholas Assembly 1839 Blessed Virgin Mary |
Defender of the Faith Tim Casey kctimothy2001@yahoo.com Cell: 734.444.4538 Council 3860 Fr. Patrick O’Kelley Assembly 1536 Pope John XXIII |
Expositor of the Constitution Matt Elias allowat162@gmail.com Cell: 586.322.4876 Council 3257 Bishop William F. Murphy Assembly 0484 Richard Cardinal Cushing |
Audio/Visual William Gorny wgorny@comcast.net Cell: 313.445.1537 Council 3312 Msgr. Hunt Assembly 0520 Monsignor Hunt |
Veterans Administration Voluntary Services (VAVS) Dennis Lipski Spouse: Lady Peggy dmlipski@gmail.com Cell: 248.935.2197 Council 8284 Msgr. Clement H. Kern Assembly 1536 Pope John XXIII |
Michigan has been, over the years, blessed with Catholic gentlemen strong in faith. Additionally, as able leaders, they have taken the reigns of leadership to shepherd the state and the district to help fullfill the Knights of Columbus principals of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
Years | Sir Knight |
2018-2022 | Mark Brezenski |
2014-2018 | John Hundiak |
2010-2014 | Clifford F. Wasmund, FVSM |
2006-2010 | Walter K. Winkle, Jr., PSD |
2002-2006 | Fred Sleeman |
1998-2002 | Frank Pawelak, KHS |
1992-1998 | Jerome E. Wrobleski |
1990-1992 | Phillip DeLage |
1986-1990 | John O’Brien |
1982-1986 | John Brudzynski |
1976-1982 | Mitchell Tluczek |
1970-1976 | Stan Niedzwiecke |
Years | Sir Knight |
1964-1970 | Donald Abler, FVSM |
1960-1964 | William Sullivan, FVSM |
1960-1960 | Vincent O’Meara, PSD |
1959-1960 | John J. Hewitt |
1952-1959 | Vincent O’Meara, PSD |
1948-1952 | Fred R. Taylor |
1946-1948 | John F. Dowd |
1945-1946 | C.B. Lundy |
1944-1945 | Eugene Donohue, PSD |
1913-1944 | Martin E. Gavin |
1900-1913 | Edward H. Doyle |
Master's Staff
District Friar:
Rev. Paul Ballien
Gene Suchyta
Sr. Marshal:
George Roumaya
Curt Best
Bob Greening
Dale Miller
Norm Pranger
Contact Us
Email: Click on any name listed under Master's Staff
Phone: 734.748.2644
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal service organization whose mission is to witness to our principles of charity, unity and fraternity by performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy locally and throughout the world. All posts and comments should be marked by Christian charity and respect for the truth. They should be on topic and presume the good will of other users. Discussion should focus on the good works and charitable mission of Michigan District 1. No ads please. By posting any comments, you agree to read and follow the Knights of Columbus Member Social Communications Policy. The administrator reserves the right (but is not obligated) to remove posts that are abusive, illegal or disruptive, or that otherwise fail to conform to the Member Social Communications Policy and may terminate a user's access to this site for any breach of this policy.
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